Jandu Petroleum donates $15,000 to replace baseball field fencing in Brussels, Door County .

jandu petroleum
jandu petroleum

Parvinder Jandu and Renuka Jandu donated $15,000 for the upgrades to the Baseball field. Town Committee names the field "Jandu's Field" to honor and thank the Jandu's.

Parvinder Jandu, president of the company, made the donation to the Brussels Big Dog Youth Baseball Program, which was soliciting funds for the project, according to a news release. The field will be named Jandus Field to honor the donation.

The Brussels Big Dog Youth Baseball Program has five teams for children ages 8 to 12. It is open to youth baseball players in the Southern Door area. The program started with one field and expanded to include a new field, installed a batting cage and has helped to revitalize the park, the news release said.